Static Variables


Suppose you have a Sub in a form called CountThem that looks like this:


Private Sub CountThem()


    Dim    intI As Integer

    Static intJ As Integer

    intI = intI + 1

    intJ = intJ + 1

    Print intI, intJ


End Sub


Suppose you have some other Sub that calls CountThem three times in a row:


      Call CountThem

      Call CountThem

      Call CountThem


The following output would be displayed on the form (by default, the "Print" statement directs its output to the current form):


(values for intI)

(values for intJ)








Note that the "regular" variable, intI, declared with "Dim", does not retain its value between calls, whereas the Static variable, intJ, does.


Note: The keyword "Static" can also be used in the Sub procedure header, which causes all variables in that procedure to be static. Example:


Private Static Sub AllVarsAreStatic()

    Dim intCounter      As Integer  ' as if declared Static

    Dim strErrMsg       As String   ' as if declared Static

    . . . ' other statements

End Sub