The disadvantage of using the data control is that once the project is completed, it is not always easy to modify the data entry form or adapt the finished form for another data entry project. Also, forms built using the data control are not always easy to debug or maintain because most of the action goes on in the data control itself. If you think your project needs to be modified or maintained by other programmers, the data control might not be your best choice.
The advantage of using complete VB code to produce data entry forms is that you have total control over all aspects of the process. You decide when to open the database and recordset, and you control the read and write operations as well. This capability can be a real advantage in multiuser (file-sharing) settings where increased traffic can cause locking conflicts in programs that use the data control. Another advantage of using VB code for your data entry forms is that you can create generic code that you can reuse in all your database projects. When you have a fully debugged set of data entry routines, you can quickly create new forms without much additional coding. Because the form rely on generic routines, they are also easy to modify and maintain in the future.
The primary drawback for using VB code to create data entry forms is that you have to handle all processes yourself; you can assume nothing. For example, locating and updating a single record in a data table requires that you account for all of the following processes:
· Opening the database
· Opening the recordset
· Locating the requested record
· Loading the input controls from the recordset
· Handling all user actions during the data entry process
· Writing the updated controls back to the recordset
You also need a way for the user to browse the data. In giving up the data control, you give up its VCR-style navigation arrows.
Despite this added responsibility, writing your data entry forms with VB code gives you much greater control over the process and can result in a form that is easy for both programmers and users to deal with. Even though you have to do a good bit of coding to create new data management routines, these routines can often be reused in future projects with a minimum of re-coding.
This document shows you how to process an Access database using code alone. The database is named "EMPLOYEE.MDB", and is based on the sample employee file used in the tutorials on sequential files.
EMPLOYEE.MDB contains three tables: EmpMast, DeptMast, and JobMast. The tables are structured as follows:
EmpMast table:
Field Name |
DataType |
Comments |
EmpNbr |
AutoNumber |
Primary Key. Uniquely identifies each employee in the database. |
EmpFirst |
Text (50) |
Employee's first name |
EmpLast |
Text (50) |
Employee's last name |
DeptNbr |
Number (Long Integer) |
Foreign Key to PK of DeptMast table. Identifies which department the employee works in. |
JobNbr |
Number (Long Integer) |
Foreign Key to PK of JobMast table. Identifies the employee's job. |
HireDate |
Date/Time |
Date the employee was hired |
HrlyRate |
Number (Single) |
Employee's hourly rate |
SchedHrs |
Number (Single) |
The number of hours per week the employee is scheduled to work. |
DeptMast table:
Field Name |
DataType |
Comments |
DeptNbr |
Number (Long Integer) |
Primary Key; uniquely identifies each department in the database. The PK index was renamed idxDeptNbrPK in the Access interface (see below). |
DeptName |
Text (50) |
The name of the department. A non-unique index was established on this field, and the index was renamed idxDeptName. |
Location |
Text (50) |
The department's location (could be a building, suite number, floor, etc.) |
JobMast table:
Field Name |
DataType |
Comments |
JobNbr |
AutoNumber |
Primary Key; uniquely identifies each job in the database. The PK index was renamed idxJobNbrPK. |
JobTitle |
Text (50) |
The job title (description). A non-unique index was established on this field, and the index was renamed idxJobTitle. |
MinRate |
Number (Single) |
The minimum hourly rate that somebody working in this position is usually paid. |
AvgRate |
Number (Single) |
The average hourly rate that somebody working in this position is usually paid. |
MaxRate |
Number (Single) |
The maximum hourly rate that somebody working in this position is usually paid. |
How to Rename Indexes in the Access UI
Note that in the screen-shot of the table design for DeptMast, DeptNbr was set up as the primary key, and that a non-unique index was established for DeptName (this will facilitate faster searching for a record where the DeptName contains a particular value and will allow easier browsing of the DeptMast table in DeptName sequence).
To examine information related to the indexes that you set up for a table, click the Indexes icon (looks like a lightning bolt) on the Access toolbar.
Clicking the Indexes icon causes the Indexes dialog box (shown below) to be displayed. Note that under the "Index Name" column, I renamed the indexes. The Index Name for the DeptNbr field was changed from "PrimaryKey" to "idxDeptNbrPK" (the Access default index name for the primary key field is "PrimaryKey") and the Index Name for the DeptName field was changed from "DeptName" to "idxDeptName" (the Access default index name for non-primary key fields is the same as the Field Name).
An essential part of learning how to program Access database applications is to gain a working knowledge of the DAO (Data Access Objects) object model, shown on the following page. An object model is a representation, or conceptual map, of an object's functionality in terms of an object hierarchy. The objects in the object model are said to be "exposed", meaning that they are items that can be programmed or controlled.
The objects in the object model are organized into various levels. You can think of these levels as tiers in a hierarchy. The topmost tier in the DAO object model is the JET database engine itself (DBEngine). The second tier consists of a high-level categorization of objects. The third, fourth and fifth tiers, etc. include a variety of different objects used to access the functionality that the second-tier objects contain. You traverse the tiers to find the objects you want to use.
A group of similar objects can be combined in the hierarchy as a collection. In general, the plural names ("Databases", "Recordsets", etc.) are collections and the singular names ("Database", "Recordset", etc.) are objects with the collection.
Collection Syntax
To refer to an object in a collection, the syntax is:
CollectionName.Item("Key") -- or -- CollectionName.Item(index)
Item is the default method for all collections; therefore .Item can always be dropped from the above syntax, reducing it to:
CollectionName("Key") -- or -- CollectionName(index)
An object's key is a string that uniquely identifies that object in the collection. For example, the DeptNbr field in the collection of fields of a table could be referred to as Fields("DeptNbr"). The index refers to the object's ordinal position in the collection, which could change if items are added to or removed from the collection. If the DeptNbr field is the first field in the Fields collection, it could be referred to as Fields(0). (Note: It is generally preferable to use the key rather than the index to access items in a collection. Since the index for an item in a collection is subject to change, its use would be limited to situations such as where you are looping through the items one by one, perhaps to display information about each item, or just to verify what items are in the collection.)
In looking at the DAO object model, you see a good number of collections and objects. Each of these objects has numerous methods and properties. However, in a typical VB/DAO application, you will only need to deal with a handful of these collections and objects. Most likely, you will use Workspace object (indirectly), the Database object, and the Recordsets, TableDefs, and possibly QueryDefs collections. The collections and objects used in the sample project presented in this document, along with their properties and methods will be discussed as they are encountered, as we examine the processing that takes place in each of the project's forms.
Good reference material for each of these items can be found in the Access help system. In addition, there are a number of good reference books on JET / DAO. One of the best books on the subject is the "Microsoft Jet Database Engine Programmer's Guide" by Dan Haught and Jim Ferguson (Microsoft Press, 1997).
The DAO (Data Access Objects) Object Model
Note: When you use the data control, setting this reference is not necessary (VB will set it automatically).
The sample project contains seven forms and one standard module, as summarized below.
Name |
Description |
frmSplash |
The splash screen |
frmMainMenu |
The main menu, or "switchboard" screen |
frmHelp |
The form where help files are displayed |
frmDeptMaint |
Used to add, change, or delete records from the DeptMast table |
frmJobMaint |
Used to add, change, or delete records from the JobMast table |
frmEmpMaint |
Used to add, change, or delete records from the EmpMast table |
frmReportMenu |
Allows the user to select a (Crystal) report to be printed |
Name |
Description |
frmSplash |
Standard module containing public variables, subs, and functions. |
We will look at each form in the sample project in turn, but first, let's take a look at the code that's in the standard module (listed a little further below). In the general declarations section, you see the statement
Public gobjEmpDB As Database
"Database" is a specific type of object variable. Once the Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library has been included in your project, variables defined as any of the object types present in the DAO object model (Database, TableDef, Recordset, Field, etc.) can be used in the project.
In addition to the CenterForm routine and the GetAppPath function, there are two database-related routines, one to open the database and one to close it. In this project, each form that uses the database calls the OpenEmpDatabase sub when the form is loaded and calls the CloseEmpDatabase sub when the form is unloaded.
The OpenDatabase Method
The Sub OpenEmpDatabase contains the single statement:
The OpenDatabase method requires a string argument evaluating to the name of the database file to be used, followed by optional arguments not used in the example above. It opens the requested database file and returns an appropriate object reference to the Database variable. The above statement opens the EMPLOYEES.MDB database file, located in the same path as the VB program, and sets up the variable gobjEmpDB to reference this database.
The Database Object
Once you have a valid reference to the database via the OpenDatabase method, you can then use the various methods and properties of the Database object in code, using the Database object variable. Methods commonly used with the Database object are Execute, Close, and OpenRecordset. The OpenRecordset method is by far the most commonly used method of the Database object and is used liberally in several of this project's forms. OpenRecordset will be discussed a little later, when those forms are looked at.
The Execute method is used to execute SQL statements that return no rows on the database. This basically includes non-SELECT queries: DDL queries such as CREATE TABLE or DROP TABLE, and action queries such as UPDATE or DELETE. The Execute method requires a string argument containing a valid SQL statement.
For example, the following statement would give all of the employees a 10% raise:
gobjEmpDB.Execute "UPDATE EmpMast " _
& "SET HrlyRate = HrlyRate * 1.1"
Note: The Execute method, while quite useful, was not used in the sample project.
The Close method simply closes the database and is coded as gobjEmpDB.Close (see the CloseEmpDatabase Sub).
The Nothing Keyword
When you are done using an object variable (be it a database object variable, a recordset object variable, or any other type of object variable), you should set that object variable to the VB keyword Nothing, which disassociates an object variable from the actual object and releases memory and system resources associated with the object to which the variable refers. Thus, when the database is closed, the Database object variable should be set to Nothing, as in:
Set gobjEmpDB = Nothing
Code for the standard module modCommon:
Option Explicit
Public gobjEmpDB As Database
Public gintHelpFileNbr As Integer
Public Sub OpenEmpDatabase()
Set gobjEmpDB = OpenDatabase(GetAppPath() & "EMPLOYEE.MDB")
End Sub
Public Sub CloseEmpDatabase()
Set gobjEmpDB = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub CenterForm(pobjForm As Form)
With pobjForm
.Top = (Screen.Height - .Height) / 2
.Left = (Screen.Width - .Width) / 2
End With
End Sub
Public Function GetAppPath() As String
GetAppPath = IIf(Right$(App.Path, 1) = "\", App.Path, App.Path & "\")
End Function
The Splash Screen (frmSplash):
The splash screen, named "frmSplash" is shown below (design-time). This form was established as the startup object for this project. It contains a Timer control named tmrSplash. When the timer's Timer event fires, control is transferred to the Main Menu form.
Code for frmSplash:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
CenterForm Me
End Sub
Private Sub tmrSplash_Timer()
tmrSplash.Enabled = False
Unload Me
End Sub
The Main Menu Screen (frmMainMenu):
The main menu, or "switchboard" screen, named "frmMainMenu" is shown below. There is no database-related processing in this form, either. It contains an array of six command buttons, named cmdMainMenuOpt, indexed 0 to 5.
In looking at the code in cmdMainMenuOpt_Click, you can see that for command buttons 0 through 3, the appropriate form is shown.
For command button 4 (Help), a sub named ShowHelpForm is called. The ShowHelpForm sub is also called when the user presses the F1 key (see the Form_KeyDown event procedure). Recall that in order for the Form_KeyDown event to work, you should set the form's KeyPreview property to True. In the ShowHelpForm sub, you see that the public variable gintHelpFileNbr is set to 1. The reason for this will be explained a further below, when we look at the Help form. The Exit button (cmdMainMenuOpt(5)) simply ends the application.
Code for frmMainMenu:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
CenterForm Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMainMenuOpt_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
Case 0
frmEmpMaint.Show vbModal
Case 1
frmDeptMaint.Show vbModal
Case 2
frmJobMaint.Show vbModal
Case 3
frmReportMenu.Show vbModal
Case 4
Case 5
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ShowHelpForm()
gintHelpFileNbr = 1
frmHelp.Show vbModal
End Sub
The Help Screen (frmHelp):
The Help screen, named "frmHelp", displays an appropriate help file in a rich textbox. There are four help files for this application named EDMHELP1.DOC, EDMHELP2.DOC, EDMHELP3.DOC, and EDMHELP4.DOC. (Despite their DOC extensions, these files were saved in Rich Text format.) These files contain help for the Main Menu form, Employee Maintenance form, Department Maintenance form, and Job Maintenance form, respectively (actually, that's what they should contain; they really just contain a sentence or two, for the purposes of this sample application).
As you saw in the code for the Main Menu form, the public variable gintHelpFileNbr was set prior to showing frmHelp. The frmHelp form then uses that number in the Form_Load event to determine which help file to display in the rich text box. Note how this line in the Form_Load event generates the appropriate file name:
strHelpFileName = GetAppPath & "EDMHELP" & gintHelpFileNbr & ".DOC"
The About button shows the "About" message box. The OK button unloads the form, thus returning control to the calling form.
A run-time screen-shot as well as the code for frmHelp are shown below:
Code for frmHelp:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strHelpFileName As String
CenterForm Me
strHelpFileName = GetAppPath & "EDMHELP" & gintHelpFileNbr & ".DOC"
rtbHelp.LoadFile strHelpFileName, rtfRTF
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAbout_Click()
MsgBox "DAO (Data Access Objects) Demo" & vbNewLine _
& "Employee Database Maintenance" & vbNewLine _
& "Copyright " & Chr$(169) & " 2000-2005", _
vbInformation, _
End Sub
The Data Entry Screens (frmDeptMaint, frmJobMaint, frmEmpMaint)
In the data entry screens for the demo application, the user can browse through the records in the table (one record per screen) using "First Record", "Previous Record", "Next Record" and "Last Record" buttons. In addition, the user can perform a search to jump to a particular record based on entered criteria. The user can add, update, or delete a record using "Add Record", "Update Record", and "Delete Record" buttons respectively.
Initially, the user can "look but not touch" the data, as they perform various move or search operations. When the user initiates an add or an update, the controls (generally textboxes) for the data fields as well as the "Save", "Undo" and "Cancel" buttons become enabled; all other buttons become disabled.
As the user enters or modifies data in the controls, field-by-field data validation is performed. This means that the user cannot move to a specific control until all the controls before it pass edit (for example, if a form contained first name, last name, and address fields, the user could not move on to the last name field until the first name field was entered and the user could not move on to the address field until the last name field was entered).
As indicated above, when an add or update is in progress, the user has three options available via the "Save", "Undo" and "Cancel" buttons:
If the user clicks the "Accept" button, provided that all entries pass validation, the record is added or updated in the database table and the form controls are set back to their original state (textboxes and Accept, Undo, and Cancel buttons are disabled, all other buttons are enabled).
If the user clicks the "Undo" button instead, the controls on the form are re-populated with the corresponding fields from the current record (if doing an update) or the controls on the form are cleared (if doing an add). The form remains in a state in which the user can add or modify data.
If the user clicks "Cancel", the fields of the previously current record are re-assigned to their corresponding textboxes on the form, and, as with the "Save" button, the form controls are set back to their original state (textboxes and Save, Undo, and Cancel buttons are disabled, all other buttons are enabled).
It should be noted that the data entry approach implemented by the demo application as described above is a restrictive approach that attempts to control the user's actions to the greatest degree possible. This approach may be appropriate in some cases but not in others – it depends on the type of application as well as what the users are familiar with. If we were to "loosen" things up a bit, the field-by-field validation could be eliminated and validation would be done only when the record is about to be saved (this way the user could move around on the form; skip fields then come back to them, etc.). If we were to loosen things up further, we could eliminate the "two state" approach between browsing and updating – in other words, have all fields open all the time and not make the user explicitly click a button to initiate an update. Regardless of the approach used, your application will need to detect when the user has made changes and ensure the integrity of the data.
Implementing Field-by-Field Validation
In order to implement field-by-field validation as described above, the following points should be considered:
· All controls on your form should have their TabIndex property set such that the tabbing order is correct.
· The MaxLength property should be set for all textboxes where appropriate.
· A form-level integer variable to store the TabIndex property of the currently active field should be declared (in the sample application it is called intCurrTabIndex).
· A form-level Boolean variable indicating whether or not a validation error occurred should be declared (in the sample application it is called blnValidationError).
· A routine (Sub) which contains validation code for all enterable fields should be coded (in the sample application this Sub is called ValidateAllFields).
· Logic for the GotFocus, KeyPress (if necessary), and Change events should be coded for each textbox; logic for the Validate event should be coded for the last textbox.
The basic logic coded in each of the events is as follows:
(1) Set intCurrTabIndex to the TabIndex property of this textbox.
(2) Call the ValidateAllFields routine.
(3) If there was a validation error (mblnValidationError = True), exit now (skipping the next two statements).
(4) Set the SelStart property of this textbox to 0.
(5) Set the SelLength property of this textbox to the length of the text currently in this textbox.
Note: The first three statements above can be omitted in the GotFocus event of the first textbox to be validated. Those three statements are basically saying to the user "You can't come here until you've dealt with your previous errors." Statements 4 and 5 cause the text in the textbox to be highlighted when it receives focus.
Place optional code in here to filter out undesirable characters entered by the user (for example, if a fields is to contain only numeric digits, you can filter out anything else). You can also change the character entered by the user (the most common conversion done here is to convert all lowercase characters entered by the user to uppercase).
If the length of the text in this field is equal to its MaxLength property, then set the focus to the next enterable field. (This provides an auto-tab feature for the form fields.)
Introduced in VB6, the Validate event can be used in conjunction with the CausesValidation property to prevent a control from losing the focus until certain criteria are met. The Validate event only occurs when the control which is about to receive the focus has its CausesValidation property set to True. The Validate event fits into the field-by-field data entry scheme for the last field to be validated. (In the sample application, the Validate event is coded for the last data entry field, and the Save button has its CausesValidation property set to True. When the user tabs out of the last field and into the Save button, the Validate event fires for the last field. If the Validate event deems that the field has not passed edit, the Cancel parameter of the Validate event is set to True, causing focus to remain on that field.) Note: Some resources advocate the use of the Validate event for all of the fields to be validated; this is not done in the sample application because the Validate event will fire whether you are moving backwards or forward through the fields on the form – the intention in the sample application is to validate only when moving forward.
· The basic logic (in pseudocode) for the ValidateAllFields Sub is as follows:
mblnValidationError = False
If FIELD_1 is NOT valid Then
mblnValidationError = True
MsgBox "Error in Field 1"
End If
If (mintCurrTabIndex = FIELD_2.TabIndex) _
Or (mblnValidationError = True) Then
' The user has either just tabbed to FIELD_2 (in which case FIELD_2 is
' not yet ready to be checked), or FIELD_1 has an error. In either case,
' there is no point in continuing ...
Exit Sub
End If
If FIELD_2 is NOT valid Then
mblnValidationError = True
MsgBox "Error in Field 2"
End If
If (mintCurrTabIndex = FIELD_3.TabIndex) _
Or (mblnValidationError = True) Then
' The user has either just tabbed to FIELD_3 (in which case FIELD_3 is
' not yet ready to be checked), or FIELD_2 has an error. In either case,
' there is no point in continuing ...
Exit Sub
End If
. . .
If LAST_FIELD is NOT valid Then
mblnValidationError = True
MsgBox "Error in Last Field"
End If
' End of Sub
The information presented above to implement field-by-field data validation can be simplified by the use of control arrays, particularly if all of the data entry fields are textboxes. By using a textbox control array, all textboxes would share the same GotFocus, KeyPress, Change, and Validate event. You would know which textbox you were "on" by testing the Index argument that is passed into the event. Similarly, the logic for the ValidateAllFields Sub would also be simplified.
The sample application uses control arrays on two of three data entry forms.
The Department Maintenance Form
The Department Maintenance form, shown below, enables the user to perform maintenance on the DeptMast table.
Processing note: The department number field, while it must be unique, is not an autonumber field – therefore, during an "add", the user will have to enter it. During an update, the user should not be permitted access to the department number.
The code behind this form introduces a number of DAO methods and properties as discussed below.
The OpenRecordset Method
The OpenRecordset method of the Database object is used to establish a reference to a set of records, such as a table or the results of a query. This set of records is assigned to a Recordset object variable, and can then be processed record by record as if it were a file. The Recordset object is temporary object; it is created by the OpenRecordset method in code and is destroyed when it is closed or set to Nothing (it is not a "permanent" object like a table or saved query, although it is derived from these sources). The Recordset object is similar to what is called a "cursor" in other database systems.
The syntax is:
Set RecordsetVariable = DatabaseVariable.OpenRecordset (source, type, options, lockedits)
The source argument is a string representing the name of the table or query you want to refer to. A SQL statement itself can also be used here.
The type argument is a constant specifying the way you want to process the recordset. The recordset can be processed as a table, dynaset, or snapshot, and the constants dbOpenTable, dbOpenDynaset, or dbOpenSnapshot respectively are used to refer to these. If this argument is omitted, Jet will default to the type it deems most appropriate, based on the source. The three types of recordsets are compared in the table a little further below.
The options and lockedits arguments are optional and will not be used in the sample application.
Following are two statements that employ OpenRecordset, pulled from this form’s code.
The statement
Set mobjDeptRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset("DeptMast", dbOpenTable)
enables the recordset object variable mobjDeptRst to reference the table "DeptMast" in the EMPLOYEES.MDB. This statement assumes that a valid reference to the Database variable gobjEmpDB has been set via the OpenDatabase method (discussed previously) and that the variable mobjDeptRst as been declared as a Recordset object variable (as in Private mobjDeptRst As Recordset).
The statement
Set objTempRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset _
("SELECT COUNT(*) AS EmpCount FROM EmpMast " _
& "WHERE DeptNbr = " & mobjDeptRst!DeptNbr)
enables the recordset object variable objTempRst to reference the results of the SELECT query coded as the source argument. Again, this example assumes that the Database variable gobjEmpDB has been properly set, and that objTempRst has been declared as a Recordset variable (i.e., Dim objTempRst As Recordset). The type argument is omitted, so Jet should default to the dynaset type in this case. The meaning of mobjDeptRst!DeptNbr will be discussed shortly.
Types of Recordsets
Recordset Type |
Source Constant |
Drawbacks |
Table |
dbOpenTable |
· Allows direct access to a database table · Can use indexes · Searches are fast · Can update records in the underlying table |
· can reference a single table only · can search only on available indexes (using the "Seek" method) · can't limit the number of records returned |
dbOpenDynaset |
· Can select specific records and fields · Can use SQL statements to do joins · Search can be based on any field (using the "Find" methods) · Records in the underlying table(s) may or may not be updateable |
· Searches are slower than Table type · Can't make use of indexes |
Snapshot |
dbOpenSnapshot |
· Similar to advantages of Dynaset · Faster because it is a memory-based copy of the data |
· Read-only |
The following examples assume that mobjDeptRst has been declared as a Recordset variable, as in:
Private mobjDeptRst As Recordset
and that mobjDeptRst has been opened with the OpenRecordset method, as in:
Set mobjDeptRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset("DeptMast", dbOpenTable)
The Move Methods
The four Move methods (MoveFirst, MovePrevious, MoveNext, and MoveLast) cause the recordset to move to the first, previous, next, or last record, respectively, making that record the current record. You would code statements like the following:
Using the BOF and EOF Properties
When you are moving forward with MoveNext, there is the possibility that you will reach the end of the recordset, and you don't want to move past it. If you move past the end, there will be no current record, which will result in errors if you try to retrieve data from the recordset. Therefore, you should use the EOF (end of file) property of the recordset to test for this. When browsing the recordset, if EOF is true, the common solution to move to a valid record is to move to the last record:
Similarly, when you are moving backward with MovePrevious, there is the possibility that you will reach the top, or beginning, of the recordset, and you don't want to move past that. If you move past the beginning, there will be no current record, which will result in errors if you try to retrieve data from the recordset. Therefore, you should use the BOF (beginning of file) property of the recordset to test for this. When browsing the recordset, if BOF is true, the common solution to move to a valid record is to move to the first record:
End With
Regarding changing the browsing sequence, consider the following code:
mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptNbrPK"
' The first record in department number sequence
' (the one with the lowest department number) would become current
mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptName"
' The first record in department name sequence (the one closest to "A"
' alphabetically) would become current
In a table-type recordset, if you want to find a record based on a value in a particular field, an index must have been established on that field (as we saw earlier when the DeptMast table was set up in Access). You can then use the Seek method to search for the desired record. The syntax is:
recordsetvariable.Seek "comparison operator", search value
The comparison operator is a string evaluating to one of the five symbols: "=", ">=", "<=", ">", or "<". The search value is the value that you are looking for in the field on which the current index is based.
mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptNbrPK"
mobjDeptRst.Seek "=", 220
mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptName"
mobjDeptRst.Seek ">=", "FINA"
Dim lngDeptNbr As Long
Dim vntBookmark As Variant
mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptNbrPK"
vntBookmark = mobjDeptRst.Bookmark
lngDeptNbr = Val(InputBox("Enter dept # to find:", "Find Dept #")
mobjDeptRst.Seek "=", lngDeptNbr
If mobjDeptRst.NoMatch Then
Msgbox "Dept # " & lngDeptNbr & " was not found.", vbInformation, "Dept Not Found"
mobjDeptRst.Bookmark = vntBookmark
End If
Other Notes Regarding Table-type Recordsets
· If you want to search a table for a value in a field that is not indexed, you must open the table as a dynaset and use one of the Find methods – this will be examined later, when we look at the Employee Maintenance form.
· To avoid "type mismatch" errors in using the Seek method, make sure that your search value is a data type that is compatible with the indexed field. If your indexed field is numeric, your search value should be a numeric variable or constant; if your indexed field is text, your search value should be a string variable or quoted string constant.
Recordset Fields
If you refer back to the DAO Object Model, you will see that Fields is a collection of the Recordset object. Once a recordset is created, its Fields collection is updated to include the fields or columns that make up the recordset. Recall that an item in a collection is referred to with either its key or with its index. Recall that the key is a unique string that identifies an item in a collection – in the case of Fields, it is the Field name; and this is the preferred way to reference a Field in a collection. The index is a number that identifies the position of the item in the collection.
Recall the collection syntax:
CollectionName.Item("Key") -- or -- CollectionName.Item(index)
Recall that you can always drop .Item, reducing the syntax to:
CollectionName("Key") -- or -- CollectionName(index)
Since a collection is attached to an object, the object variable, followed by a dot, would appear in front of the collection name, as in:
ObjectVariable.CollectionName("Key") -- or -- ObjectVariable.CollectionName(index)
Therefore, if the field DeptNbr is the first field in the Fields collection of the recordset object mobjDeptRst, the syntax to reference the DeptNbr field is:
mobjDeptRst.Fields("DeptNbr") -- or -- mobjDeptRst.Fields(0)
Each object the DAO object model has a default collection; and the default collection name can be dropped from the syntax. Since Fields is the default collection of the Recordset object, you can drop .Fields from the above syntax, reducing it to:
mobjDeptRst("DeptNbr") -- or -- mobjDeptRst(0)
If a field name contains blank spaces, the field name must be enclosed in square brackets, as in:
rsMyRecSet("[Field With Blanks]")
The Bang (!) Operator
Alternatively, the "bang" operator (!) can be used to specify a programmer-created item of a collection. The syntax is:
If the collection is the default collection of the object in question, the syntax is then reduced to:
Therefore, a field in a recordset can also be referenced as:
So another way to reference the DeptNbr field of the mobjDeptRst recordset is:
In the above syntax, note that the field name is not enclosed in either quotes or parentheses. Still, if the field contains blank spaces, the square brackets must be used, as in:
sMyRecSet![Field With Blanks]
In the sample application, the bang operator syntax is used for all field references.
For example, a segment of code that populates the txtDeptField textboxes from the mobjDeptRst recordset could be coded as follows:
txtDeptField(0).Text = mobjDeptRst!DeptNbr
txtDeptField(1).Text = mobjDeptRst!DeptName
txtDeptField(2).Text = mobjDeptRst!Location
With mobjDeptRst
txtDeptField(0).Text = !DeptNbr
txtDeptField(1).Text = !DeptName
txtDeptField(2).Text = !Location
End With
The AddNew method creates a temporary buffer containing an empty structure of the recordset record. If the record contains an AutoNumber field, it is populated at this time. In code, you assign values to the recordset fields. When you are done assigning values to the fields, you use the Update method to write the new record to the recordset. You should save the value of the current record's Bookmark prior to the AddNew, so that you can get back to the current record if the user "undoes" the record-add process. In any event, no new record will be added without the Update method. After a new record is successfully added, it does not become the current record. To make the new record the current record, use the LastModified method of the recordset.
The Edit method creates a temporary buffer containing the structure and data of the current recordset record. In code, you assign (new) values to the recordset fields. When you are done assigning values to the fields, you use the Update method to update the new record in the recordset. The changes will not "take" without the Update method.
The Delete method deletes the current record in the recordset. After the Delete, there is no current record until you use one of the Move methods (such as MoveNext).
The code for the frmDeptMaint form will be shown shortly, but first, the code for the modCommon bas module will be shown. This module contains declarations for global variables as well as public Sub and Function procedures that can accessed by any form in the application. The modCommon module contains the following Sub and Function procedures:
OpenEmpDatabase |
Sub to open the employee database using the DAO OpenDatabase method |
CloseEmpDatabase |
Sub to close the employee database |
CenterForm |
Sub to center a form on the screen |
GetAppPath |
Sub to get the application path of a file |
ValidKey |
Function to validate a keystroke for use in the KeyPress event of a textbox |
ConvertUpper |
Function to convert an alphabetic character entered in a textbox to uppercase, used in the KeyPress event of a textbox |
SelectTextBoxText |
Sub to highlight the text of a textbox when it receives focus. Used in the GotFocus event of a textbox. |
TabToNextTextBox |
Sub to "autotab" from one textbox to another when maximum number of characters that can be entered into the first textbox has been reached. |
Code for modCommon:
Option Explicit
Public gobjEmpDB As Database
Public gintHelpFileNbr As Integer
Public Const gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS As String = "0123456789"
Public Sub OpenEmpDatabase()
Set gobjEmpDB = OpenDatabase(GetAppPath() & "EMPLOYEE.MDB")
End Sub
Public Sub CloseEmpDatabase()
Set gobjEmpDB = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub CenterForm(pobjForm As Form)
With pobjForm
.Top = (Screen.Height - .Height) / 2
.Left = (Screen.Width - .Width) / 2
End With
End Sub
Public Function GetAppPath() As String
GetAppPath = IIf(Right$(App.Path, 1) = "\", App.Path, App.Path & "\")
End Function
Public Function ValidKey(pintKeyValue As Integer, _
pstrSearchString As String) As Integer
' Common function to filter out keyboard characters passed to this
' function from KeyPress events.
' Typical call:
' KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)
If pintKeyValue < 32 _
Or InStr(pstrSearchString, Chr$(pintKeyValue)) > 0 Then
'Do nothing - i.e., accept the control character or any key
' in the search string passed to this function ...
'cancel (do not accept) any other key ...
pintKeyValue = 0
End If
ValidKey = pintKeyValue
End Function
Public Function ConvertUpper(pintKeyValue As Integer) As Integer
' Common function to force alphabetic keyboard characters to uppercase
' when called from the KeyPress event.
' Typical call:
' KeyAscii = ConvertUpper(KeyAscii)
If Chr$(pintKeyValue) >= "a" And Chr$(pintKeyValue) <= "z" Then
pintKeyValue = pintKeyValue - 32
End If
ConvertUpper = pintKeyValue
End Function
Public Sub SelectTextBoxText(pobjTextbox As TextBox)
With pobjTextbox
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub TabToNextTextBox(pobjTextBox1 As TextBox, pobjTextBox2 As TextBox)
If pobjTextBox2.Enabled = False Then Exit Sub
If Len(pobjTextBox1.Text) = pobjTextBox1.MaxLength Then
End If
End Sub
Now the code for the Department maintenance form ...
Code for frmDeptMaint:
Option Explicit
'** **
'** F O R M - L E V E L V A R I A B L E S **
'** **
Private mobjDeptRst As Recordset
Private mvntBookMark As Variant
Private mstrAction As String
Private mblnOKToExit As Boolean
Private mblnValidationError As Boolean
Private mblnChangeMade As Boolean
Private mintCurrTabIndex As Integer
'** **
'** E X E C U T A B L E C O D E B E G I N S H E R E . . . **
'** **
'* *
'* FORM Event Procedures *
'* *
Private Sub Form_Load()
CenterForm Me
Set mobjDeptRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset("DeptMast", dbOpenTable)
mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptNbrPK"
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim intResponse As Integer
If Not mblnOKToExit Then
MsgBox "You must complete or cancel the current action " _
& "before you can exit", vbInformation, "Cannot Exit"
Cancel = 1
Exit Sub
End If
Set mobjDeptRst = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub txtDeptField_GotFocus(Index As Integer)
SelectTextBoxText txtDeptField(Index)
If Index > 0 Then
mintCurrTabIndex = txtDeptField(Index).TabIndex
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtDeptField_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii < 32 Then Exit Sub
If Index = 0 Then
' dept number - allow only digits
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)
' dept name or location - force uppercase
KeyAscii = ConvertUpper(KeyAscii)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtDeptField_Change(Index As Integer)
mblnChangeMade = True
If Index < 2 Then
TabToNextTextBox txtDeptField(Index), txtDeptField(Index + 1)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtDeptField_Validate(Index As Integer, Cancel As Boolean)
' this event is only being used for the last field on the form ...
If Index = 2 Then
mintCurrTabIndex = -1
If mblnValidationError Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
'* *
'* Event Procedures *
'* *
Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
With mobjDeptRst
If .EOF Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
With mobjDeptRst
If .BOF Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
mstrAction = "ADD"
ResetFormControls True, vbWhite
mblnChangeMade = False
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount > 0 Then
mvntBookMark = mobjDeptRst.Bookmark
End If
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records currently on file to update.", _
vbInformation, "Update Record"
Exit Sub
End If
mstrAction = "UPDATE"
ResetFormControls True, vbWhite
mblnChangeMade = False
mvntBookMark = mobjDeptRst.Bookmark
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
Dim objTempRst As Recordset
Dim intEmpCount As Integer
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records currently on file to delete.", _
vbInformation, "Delete Record"
Exit Sub
End If
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, _
"Delete Record") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
' check for referential integrity violation ...
Set objTempRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset _
("SELECT COUNT(*) AS EmpCount FROM EmpMast " _
& "WHERE DeptNbr = " & mobjDeptRst!DeptNbr)
intEmpCount = objTempRst!EmpCount
Set objTempRst = Nothing
If intEmpCount > 0 Then
MsgBox "This department record cannot be deleted because " _
& "it is in use by one or more employees.", _
vbExclamation, _
"Department Is In Use"
Exit Sub
End If
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
mintCurrTabIndex = -1
If mblnValidationError Then Exit Sub
With mobjDeptRst
If mstrAction = "ADD" Then
!DeptNbr = txtDeptField(0).Text
End If
!DeptName = txtDeptField(1).Text
!Location = txtDeptField(2).Text
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With
ResetFormControls False, vbButtonFace
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUndo_Click()
If Not mblnChangeMade Then Exit Sub
If MsgBox("Do you want to abandon your changes to this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Undo") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
If mstrAction = "ADD" Then
End If
mblnChangeMade = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
If mblnChangeMade Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to abandon your changes to this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Undo") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If mobjDeptRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
mobjDeptRst.Bookmark = mvntBookMark
End If
ResetFormControls False, vbButtonFace
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGoToDeptNbr_Click()
Dim strReqDeptNbr As String
Dim lngReqDeptNbr As Long
If mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptName" Then
If MsgBox("This search will cause the record browsing " _
& "sequence to change to department number sequence. " _
& "Is that OK?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Browse Sequence") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
strReqDeptNbr = InputBox _
("Type in the Department # that you are looking for. ", _
"Go To Dept # ...")
If strReqDeptNbr = "" Then
' user clicked the Cancel button on the input box
' or did not enter anything
Exit Sub
End If
lngReqDeptNbr = Val(strReqDeptNbr)
mvntBookMark = mobjDeptRst.Bookmark
mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptNbrPK"
mobjDeptRst.Seek "=", lngReqDeptNbr
If mobjDeptRst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Dept # " & lngReqDeptNbr & " could not be found.", _
vbExclamation, "Dept # Not Found"
mobjDeptRst.Bookmark = mvntBookMark
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGoToDeptName_Click()
Dim strReqDeptName As String
If mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptNbrPK" Then
If MsgBox("This search will cause the record browsing " _
& "sequence to change to department name sequence. " _
& "Is that OK?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Browse Sequence") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
strReqDeptName = UCase$(InputBox _
("Type in the first several letters of the Department Name that you are looking for. ", _
"Go To Dept # ..."))
If strReqDeptName = "" Then
' user clicked the Cancel button on the input box
' or did not enter anything
Exit Sub
End If
mvntBookMark = mobjDeptRst.Bookmark
mobjDeptRst.Index = "idxDeptName"
mobjDeptRst.Seek ">=", strReqDeptName
If mobjDeptRst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Dept Name beginning '" & strReqDeptName & "' could not be found.", _
vbExclamation, "Dept Not Found"
mobjDeptRst.Bookmark = mvntBookMark
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdHelp_Click()
gintHelpFileNbr = 3
frmHelp.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
'* *
'* (Non-Event) Procedures & Functions *
'* *
Private Sub DisplayDeptRecord()
Dim intX As Integer
With mobjDeptRst
txtDeptField(0).Text = !DeptNbr
txtDeptField(1).Text = !DeptName
txtDeptField(2).Text = !Location
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ResetFormControls(blnEnabledValue As Boolean, lngColor As Long)
Dim intX As Integer
fraDeptData.Enabled = blnEnabledValue
For intX = 0 To 2
txtDeptField(intX).BackColor = lngColor
If mstrAction = "UPDATE" Then
txtDeptField(0).Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
End If
cmdSave.Enabled = blnEnabledValue
cmdUndo.Enabled = blnEnabledValue
cmdCancel.Enabled = blnEnabledValue
cmdFirst.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdNext.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdPrev.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdLast.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdAdd.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdUpdate.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdDelete.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdExit.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub ClearTheForm()
Dim intX As Integer
For intX = 0 To 2
txtDeptField(intX).Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateAllFields()
Dim intX As Integer
mblnValidationError = False
For intX = 0 To 2
If Not DeptFieldIsValid(intX) Then
mblnValidationError = True
End If
If intX < 2 Then
If mintCurrTabIndex = txtDeptField(intX + 1).TabIndex _
Or mblnValidationError Then
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function DeptFieldIsValid(intFieldIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim strMBMsg As String
Dim strMBTitle As String
Dim blnItsValid As Boolean
blnItsValid = True
Select Case intFieldIndex
Case 0
'*** Department Number
If mstrAction = "ADD" Then
' validation checks for the department number are only
' applicable when adding, not updating a record ...
If txtDeptField(0).Text = "" Then
strMBMsg = "Department Number must be entered"
strMBTitle = "Department Number"
blnItsValid = False
ElseIf DeptExists(txtDeptField(0).Text) Then
strMBMsg = "Department '" & txtDeptField(0).Text _
& "' already exists."
strMBTitle = "Department Already Exists"
blnItsValid = False
End If
End If
Case 1
'*** Department Name
If txtDeptField(1).Text = "" Then
strMBMsg = "Department Name must not be blank"
strMBTitle = "Department Name"
blnItsValid = False
End If
Case Else
'*** Location
If txtDeptField(2).Text = "" Then
strMBMsg = "Location must be entered"
strMBTitle = "Location"
blnItsValid = False
End If
End Select
If blnItsValid Then
DeptFieldIsValid = True
DeptFieldIsValid = False
MsgBox strMBMsg, vbExclamation, strMBTitle
End If
End Function
Private Function DeptExists(strDeptNbr As String) As Boolean
Dim objTempRst As Recordset
Dim intDeptCount As Integer
Set objTempRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset _
("SELECT COUNT(*) AS DeptCount FROM DeptMast " _
& "WHERE DeptNbr = " & strDeptNbr)
intDeptCount = objTempRst!DeptCount
Set objTempRst = Nothing
DeptExists = IIf(intDeptCount = 0, False, True)
End Function
The Job Maintenance Form (frmJobMaint):
The Job Maintenance form, named "frmJobMaint", is shown below. This form enables the user to perform maintenance on the JobMast table. The techniques used on this form are very similar to those used in frmDeptMaint. The differences are that there a few more fields on this form and the JobNbr field is an AutoNumber field.
Code for frmJobMaint:
Option Explicit
'** **
'** F O R M - L E V E L V A R I A B L E S **
'** **
Private mobjJobRst As Recordset
Private mvntBookMark As Variant
Private mstrAction As String
Private mblnOKToExit As Boolean
Private mblnChangeMade As Boolean
Private mblnValidationError As Boolean
Private mintCurrTabIndex As Integer
'** **
'** E X E C U T A B L E C O D E B E G I N S H E R E . . . **
'** **
'* *
'* FORM Event Procedures *
'* *
Private Sub Form_Load()
CenterForm Me
Set mobjJobRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset("JobMast", dbOpenTable)
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim intResponse As Integer
If Not mblnOKToExit Then
MsgBox "You must complete or cancel the current action " _
& "before you can exit", vbInformation, "Cannot Exit"
Cancel = 1
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtJobField_GotFocus(Index As Integer)
SelectTextBoxText txtJobField(Index)
If Index > 0 Then
mintCurrTabIndex = txtJobField(Index).TabIndex
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtJobField_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii < 32 Then Exit Sub
If Index > 0 Then
' rate field - allow only digits and decimal point
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS & ".")
' if text already has a decimal point, do not allow another ...
If Chr$(KeyAscii) = "." And InStr(txtJobField(Index).Text, ".") > 0 Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
' job description - force uppercase
KeyAscii = ConvertUpper(KeyAscii)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtJobField_Change(Index As Integer)
mblnChangeMade = True
If Index < 3 Then
TabToNextTextBox txtJobField(Index), txtJobField(Index + 1)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtJobField_LostFocus(Index As Integer)
If Index > 0 Then
txtJobField(Index).Text = Format$(txtJobField(Index).Text, "Fixed")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtJobField_Validate(Index As Integer, Cancel As Boolean)
' this event is only being used for the last field on the form ...
If Index = 3 Then
mintCurrTabIndex = -1
If mblnValidationError Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
'* *
'* Event Procedures *
'* *
Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
With mobjJobRst
If .EOF Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
With mobjJobRst
If .BOF Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
ResetFormControls True, vbWhite
mblnChangeMade = False
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount > 0 Then
mvntBookMark = mobjJobRst.Bookmark
End If
'display the Access(JET)-generated autonumber ...
lblJobNbr.Caption = mobjJobRst!JobNbr
mstrAction = "ADD"
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records currently on file to update.", _
vbInformation, "Update Record"
Exit Sub
End If
ResetFormControls True, vbWhite
mblnChangeMade = False
mvntBookMark = mobjJobRst.Bookmark
mstrAction = "UPDATE"
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
Dim objTempRst As Recordset
Dim intEmpCount As Integer
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records currently on file to delete.", _
vbInformation, "Delete Record"
Exit Sub
End If
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, _
"Delete Record") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
' check for referential integrity violation ...
Set objTempRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset _
("SELECT COUNT(*) AS EmpCount FROM EmpMast " _
& "WHERE JobNbr = " & mobjJobRst!JobNbr)
intEmpCount = objTempRst!EmpCount
Set objTempRst = Nothing
If intEmpCount > 0 Then
MsgBox "This job record cannot be deleted because " _
& "it is in use by one or more employees.", _
vbExclamation, "Job Is In Use"
Exit Sub
End If
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGoToJobNbr_Click()
Dim strReqJobNbr As String
Dim lngReqJobNbr As Long
If mobjJobRst.Index = "idxJobName" Then
If MsgBox("This search will cause the record browsing " _
& "sequence to change to job number sequence. " _
& "Is that OK?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Browse Sequence") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
strReqJobNbr = InputBox _
("Type in the Job # that you are looking for. ", _
"Go To Job # ...")
If strReqJobNbr = "" Then
' user clicked the Cancel button on the input box
' or did not enter anything
Exit Sub
End If
lngReqJobNbr = Val(strReqJobNbr)
mvntBookMark = mobjJobRst.Bookmark
mobjJobRst.Index = "idxJobNbrPK"
mobjJobRst.Seek "=", lngReqJobNbr
If mobjJobRst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Job # " & lngReqJobNbr & " could not be found.", _
vbExclamation, "Job # Not Found"
mobjJobRst.Bookmark = mvntBookMark
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGoToJobTitle_Click()
Dim strReqJobTitle As String
If mobjJobRst.Index = "idxJobNbrPK" Then
If MsgBox("This search will cause the record browsing " _
& "sequence to change to job title sequence. " _
& "Is that OK?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Browse Sequence") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
strReqJobTitle = UCase$(InputBox _
("Type in the first several letters of the Job title that you are looking for. ", _
"Go To Job # ..."))
If strReqJobTitle = "" Then
' user clicked the Cancel button on the input box
' or did not enter anything
Exit Sub
End If
mvntBookMark = mobjJobRst.Bookmark
mobjJobRst.Index = "idxJobtitle"
mobjJobRst.Seek ">=", strReqJobTitle
If mobjJobRst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Job Title beginning '" & strReqJobTitle & "' could not be found.", _
vbExclamation, "Job Not Found"
mobjJobRst.Bookmark = mvntBookMark
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
mintCurrTabIndex = -1
If mblnValidationError Then Exit Sub
With mobjJobRst
!JobTitle = txtJobField(0).Text
!MinRate = Val(txtJobField(1).Text)
!AvgRate = Val(txtJobField(2).Text)
!MaxRate = Val(txtJobField(3).Text)
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With
ResetFormControls False, vbButtonFace
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUndo_Click()
If Not mblnChangeMade Then Exit Sub
If MsgBox("Do you want to abandon your changes to this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Undo") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
If mstrAction = "ADD" Then
lblJobNbr.Caption = mobjJobRst!JobNbr
End If
mblnChangeMade = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
If mblnChangeMade Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to abandon your changes to this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Undo") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If mobjJobRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
mobjJobRst.Bookmark = mvntBookMark
End If
ResetFormControls False, vbButtonFace
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdHelp_Click()
gintHelpFileNbr = 4
frmHelp.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
'* *
'* (Non-Event) Procedures & Functions *
'* *
Private Sub DisplayJobRecord()
With mobjJobRst
lblJobNbr.Caption = !JobNbr
txtJobField(0).Text = !JobTitle
txtJobField(1).Text = Format$(!MinRate, "Fixed")
txtJobField(2).Text = Format$(!AvgRate, "Fixed")
txtJobField(3).Text = Format$(!MaxRate, "Fixed")
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ResetFormControls(blnEnabledValue As Boolean, lngColor As Long)
Dim intX As Integer
fraJobData.Enabled = blnEnabledValue
For intX = 0 To 3
txtJobField(intX).BackColor = lngColor
cmdSave.Enabled = blnEnabledValue
cmdUndo.Enabled = blnEnabledValue
cmdCancel.Enabled = blnEnabledValue
cmdGoToJobNbr.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdGoToJobTitle.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdFirst.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdNext.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdPrev.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdLast.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdAdd.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdUpdate.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdDelete.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
cmdExit.Enabled = Not blnEnabledValue
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub ClearTheForm()
Dim intX As Integer
lblJobNbr = ""
For intX = 0 To 3
txtJobField(intX).Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateAllFields()
Dim intX As Integer
mblnValidationError = False
For intX = 0 To 3
If Not JobFieldIsValid(intX) Then
mblnValidationError = True
End If
If intX < 3 Then
If mintCurrTabIndex = txtJobField(intX + 1).TabIndex _
Or mblnValidationError Then
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function JobFieldIsValid(intFieldIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim strMBMsg As String
Dim strMBTitle As String
Dim blnItsValid As Boolean
blnItsValid = True
Select Case intFieldIndex
Case 0
'*** Job Title
If txtJobField(0).Text = "" Then
strMBMsg = "Job Title must not be blank"
strMBTitle = "Job Title"
blnItsValid = False
End If
Case 1
'*** Minimum Rate
If Val(txtJobField(1).Text) <= 0 Then
strMBMsg = "Minimum Rate must be greater than zero."
strMBTitle = "Minimum Rate"
blnItsValid = False
End If
Case 2
'*** Average Rate
If Val(txtJobField(2).Text) <= 0 Then
strMBMsg = "Average Rate must be greater than zero."
strMBTitle = "Average Rate"
blnItsValid = False
ElseIf Val(txtJobField(2).Text) < Val(txtJobField(1).Text) Then
strMBMsg _
= "Average Rate must be greater than or equal to the Minimum Rate."
strMBTitle = "Average Rate"
blnItsValid = False
End If
Case 3
'*** Maximum Rate
If Val(txtJobField(3).Text) <= 0 Then
strMBMsg = "Maximum Rate must be greater than zero."
strMBTitle = "Maximum Rate"
blnItsValid = False
ElseIf Val(txtJobField(3).Text) < Val(txtJobField(2).Text) Then
strMBMsg _
= "Maximum Rate must be greater than or equal to the Average Rate."
strMBTitle = "Maxiumum Rate"
blnItsValid = False
End If
End Select
If blnItsValid Then
JobFieldIsValid = True
JobFieldIsValid = False
MsgBox strMBMsg, vbExclamation, strMBTitle
End If
End Function
The Employee Maintenance Form (frmEmpMaint):
The Employee Maintenance form, named "frmEmpMaint", is shown below. This form enables the user to perform maintenance on the EmpMast table. This is the form that the user would probably interact most with in this application; it could be considered the "main" form. The techniques used on this form are very similar to those used on the frmDeptMaint and frmJobMaint forms, although more is going on in this form.
Following is a list of items applicable to this form:
· This form employs combo boxes for the user to set the employee's department, job, and hourly rate. The department and job combo boxes are the "drop-down list" type, so the user can only choose one of the available items from the lists. The hourly rate combo box gives the user a choice of selecting the minimum, average, or maximum rate for the job, or they can override it by keying in their own value in the textbox portion of that combo box.
· This form introduces the DTPicker (Date/Time Picker) control. This control was introduced with VB6. It enables the user to either key in a date (the control provides automatic date validation) or allows the user to select a date from a drop-down calendar. The date that the user keys in or selects is stored in the DTPicker control's Value property.
The DTPicker will become available in your toolbox when you include Microsoft Windows Common Controls – 2 6.0 (SPx) from Project ŕ Components as shown below: |
The DTPicker appears in your toolbox as shown circled below: |
The DTPicker in action: |
· Due to the variety of controls that represent the employee fields, a control array of textboxes is not used. The necessary validation is performed on the individual fields using methods previously described.
· This form has a Search area that employs the Find methods of the Recordset object, as described below.
The Find Methods
The Recordset object has methods FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, and FindPrevious. You can use these to search for a particular record in the Recordset.
The syntax is
objSomeRecordset.FindFirst criteria
where criteria is a string item consisting of a field name, a relational (comparison) operator, and a value. It is essentially the same as a SQL WHERE clause without the word WHERE. The comparison operators that can be used are =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, Like, Between, and In. The value on the right-hand side of the comparison operator must conform to the following rules:
string values must be enclosed in single quotes
numeric values are not enclosed in quotes
date values must be enclosed in #'s (pound signs)
If the criteria is expressed in a literal string, that string must be enclosed in double quotes. Typically, you must use VB's string-handling functions (especially the "&" for concatenation) to get the desired results.
objSomeRecordset.FindFirst "ISBN = '123-456-789-0' "
objSomeRecordset.FindNext "Amount > 100"
objSomeRecordset.FindNext "DateOfBirth < #1/1/1950#"
objSomeRecordset.FindNext "Amount > " & txtAmount.Text
objSomeRecordset.FindNext "FirstName = '" & txtName.Text & "'"
The next example assumes that the variable dtmBirthDay is of the Date data type:
objSomeRecordset.FindNext _
"DateOfBirth < #" & Format$(dtmBirthDay, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"
Additional Notes:
· If the name of the field in the database table has spaces in its name, you must put square brackets around the field name, as in the following example:
objSomeRecordset.FindFirst "[Pay Rate] > 30000"
· For string values, if there is the possibility that the search string will contain an apostrophe, an extra measure should be taken to "double" the apostrophes in the string – otherwise, the apostrophe embedded in the string will be interpreted as the end of the string and a syntax error will most likely result. The easiest way to provide this "insurance" against embedded apostrophes is to use the Replace$ function on the string in question to replace any occurrences of a single apostrophe with two apostrophes:
objSomeRecordset.FindFirst _
"ProductName = '" & Replace$(strSearchText, "'", "''") & "'"
For example, if strSearchText contained "Chef Anton's Cajun Gumbo", the criteria in the above statement would evaluate to
ProductName = 'Chef Anton''s Cajun Gumbo'
and the double apostrophe in "Anton''s" would be correctly interpreted by the SQL parser as a single apostrophe.
In this particular example, if the Replace function was NOT used (i.e., you simply coded
"ProductName = '" & strSearchText & "'"
for the criteria, the result would be
ProductName = 'Chef Anton's Cajun Gumbo'
which would result in an error: the SQL parser would interpret the criteria to be "Chef Anton" with extraneous characters ("s Cajun Gumbo") at the end.
As discussed earlier, the Recordset object has a NoMatch property, which can be used after a Seek (discussed earlier) or after one of the Find methods. The NoMatch property set to False to begin with. If you use a Find method and a record is not found, then the NoMatch property is set to True. You should use this property to determine whether or not a record was found. If a match is found, NoMatch will be set to True, and the found record becomes the current record.
Code for frmEmpMaint:
Option Explicit
'** **
'** F O R M - L E V E L V A R I A B L E S **
'** **
Private mobjEmpRst As Recordset
Private mblnOKToExit As Boolean
Private mvntBookMark As Variant
Private mstrAction As String
Private intCurrTabIndex As Integer
Private mblnValidationError As Boolean
Private mblnActivated As Boolean
Private mblnChangeMade As Boolean
'** **
'** E X E C U T A B L E C O D E B E G I N S H E R E . . . **
'** **
'* *
'* FORM Event Procedures *
'* *
Private Sub Form_Activate()
If mblnActivated Then Exit Sub Else mblnActivated = True
CenterForm Me
If gobjEmpDB.TableDefs("DeptMast").RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records in the DeptMast table. " _
& "At least one record must be present in the DeptMast " _
& "table in order for Employee maintenance to take place. ", _
vbExclamation, "No DeptMast Records"
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
If gobjEmpDB.TableDefs("JobMast").RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records in the JobMast table. " _
& "At least one record must be present in the JobMast " _
& "table in order for Employee maintenance to take place. ", _
vbExclamation, "No JobMast Records"
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
Set mobjEmpRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset("EmpMast", dbOpenDynaset)
cboField.ListIndex = 0
cboRelOp.ListIndex = 0
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim intResponse As Integer
If Not mblnOKToExit Then
MsgBox "You must complete or cancel the current action " _
& "before you can exit", vbInformation, "Cannot Exit"
Cancel = 1
Exit Sub
End If
Set mobjEmpRst = Nothing
End Sub
'* TextPlus and Comob Box Event Procedures *
Private Sub txtEmpFirst_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtEmpFirst
End Sub
Private Sub txtEmpFirst_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii < 32 Then Exit Sub
KeyAscii = ValidKey(ConvertUpper(KeyAscii), gstrUPPER_ALPHA_PLUS)
End Sub
Private Sub txtEmpFirst_Change()
mblnChangeMade = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtEmpLast_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtEmpLast
intCurrTabIndex = txtEmpLast.TabIndex
End Sub
Private Sub txtEmpLast_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii < 32 Then Exit Sub
KeyAscii = ValidKey(ConvertUpper(KeyAscii), gstrUPPER_ALPHA_PLUS)
End Sub
Private Sub txtEmpLast_Change()
mblnChangeMade = True
End Sub
Private Sub cboDept_GotFocus()
intCurrTabIndex = cboDept.TabIndex
End Sub
Private Sub cboDept_Click()
mblnChangeMade = True
End Sub
Private Sub cboJob_GotFocus()
intCurrTabIndex = cboJob.TabIndex
End Sub
Private Sub cboJob_Click()
Dim objTempRst As Recordset
Set objTempRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset _
("SELECT MinRate, AvgRate, MaxRate FROM JobMast " _
& "WHERE JobNbr = " & cboJob.ItemData(cboJob.ListIndex))
'Note: The first record (and only record in this case) is
'always current when a recordset is open - therefore, it is
'not necessary to do "objTempRst.MoveFirst"
'Load the Hourly Rate combo box with the min, avg, and max rates
'for the selected job, and pre-select the avg rate ...
With cboHrlyRate
.AddItem Format$(objTempRst!MinRate, "Fixed")
.AddItem Format$(objTempRst!AvgRate, "Fixed")
.AddItem Format$(objTempRst!MaxRate, "Fixed")
.ListIndex = 1
End With
Set objTempRst = Nothing
mblnChangeMade = True
End Sub
Private Sub dtpHireDate_GotFocus()
intCurrTabIndex = dtpHireDate.TabIndex
End Sub
Private Sub dtpHireDate_Change()
mblnChangeMade = True
End Sub
Private Sub cboHrlyRate_GotFocus()
intCurrTabIndex = cboHrlyRate.TabIndex
End Sub
Private Sub cboHrlyRate_Change()
mblnChangeMade = True
End Sub
Private Sub cboHrlyRate_Click()
mblnChangeMade = True
End Sub
Private Sub cboHrlyRate_LostFocus()
cboHrlyRate.Text = Format$(cboHrlyRate.Text, "Fixed")
End Sub
Private Sub txtSchedHrs_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtSchedHrs
intCurrTabIndex = txtSchedHrs.TabIndex
End Sub
Private Sub txtSchedHrs_Change()
mblnChangeMade = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtSchedHrs_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii < 32 Then Exit Sub
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS & ".")
' if text already has a decimal point, do not allow another ...
If Chr$(KeyAscii) = "." And InStr(txtSchedHrs.Text, ".") > 0 Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtSchedHrs_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
intCurrTabIndex = -1
If mblnValidationError Then Cancel = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtSchedHrs_LostFocus()
txtSchedHrs.Text = Format$(txtSchedHrs.Text, "Fixed")
End Sub
Private Sub txtCriteria_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtCriteria
End Sub
'* *
'* Event Procedures *
'* *
Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
With mobjEmpRst
If .EOF Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
With mobjEmpRst
If .BOF Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
ResetFormControls True, vbWhite
mblnChangeMade = False
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount > 0 Then
mvntBookMark = mobjEmpRst.Bookmark
End If
'display the Access(JET)-generated autonumber ...
lblEmpNbr.Caption = mobjEmpRst!EmpNbr
mstrAction = "ADD"
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records currently on file to update.", _
vbInformation, "Update Record"
Exit Sub
End If
ResetFormControls True, vbWhite
mblnChangeMade = False
mvntBookMark = mobjEmpRst.Bookmark
mstrAction = "UPDATE"
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records currently on file to delete.", _
vbInformation, "Delete Record"
Exit Sub
End If
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, _
"Delete Record") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdHelp_Click()
gintHelpFileNbr = 2
frmHelp.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
intCurrTabIndex = -1
If mblnValidationError Then Exit Sub
With mobjEmpRst
!EmpFirst = txtEmpFirst.Text
!EmpLast = txtEmpLast.Text
!DeptNbr = cboDept.ItemData(cboDept.ListIndex)
!JobNbr = cboJob.ItemData(cboJob.ListIndex)
!HireDate = dtpHireDate.Value
!HrlyRate = Val(cboHrlyRate.Text)
!SchedHrs = Val(txtSchedHrs.Text)
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With
ResetFormControls False, vbButtonFace
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUndo_Click()
If Not mblnChangeMade Then Exit Sub
If MsgBox("Do you want to abandon your changes to this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Undo") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
If mstrAction = "ADD" Then
End If
mblnChangeMade = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
If mblnChangeMade Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to abandon your changes to this record?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Undo") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If mobjEmpRst.RecordCount = 0 Then
mobjEmpRst.Bookmark = mvntBookMark
End If
ResetFormControls False, vbButtonFace
mblnOKToExit = True
End Sub
'* *
'* Event Procedures *
'* *
Private Sub cboRelOp_Click()
If cboRelOp.Text = "Like" Then
If cboField.Text = "First Name" Or cboField.Text = "Last Name" Then
' it's OK
MsgBox "Comparison operator 'Like' may only be used with the " _
& "fields 'First Name' or 'Last Name'.", vbInformation, _
"Invalid Comparison Operator"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFind_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim strFindString As String
' perform this validation before moving on ...
If cboField.Text = "Hire Date" Then
If IsDate(txtCriteria.Text) Then
txtCriteria.Text _
= Format$(CDate(txtCriteria.Text), "m/d/yyyy")
MsgBox "Criteria for 'Hire Date' is not valid.", _
vbExclamation, "Invalid Criteria"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'save current rec's bookmark in case of NoMatch ...
mvntBookMark = mobjEmpRst.Bookmark
'start building the criteria string for the Find method with the field
'name of the desired database field, based on the user's cboField selection ...
Select Case cboField.Text
Case "Emp #": strFindString = "EmpNbr"
Case "First Name": strFindString = "EmpFirst"
Case "Last Name": strFindString = "EmpLast"
Case "Dept #": strFindString = "DeptNbr"
Case "Job #": strFindString = "JobNbr"
Case "Hire Date": strFindString = "HireDate"
Case "Hourly Rate": strFindString = "HrlyRate"
Case "Sched. Wkly Hrs": strFindString = "SchedHrs"
End Select
'append the selected relational operator to the find string ...
strFindString = strFindString & " " & cboRelOp.Text & " "
'finally, append the value to search for to the find string ...
If cboField.Text = "First Name" _
Or cboField.Text = "Last Name" Then
strFindString = strFindString _
& Chr$(34) & txtCriteria.Text & Chr$(34)
ElseIf cboField.Text = "Hire Date" Then
strFindString = strFindString _
& "#" & txtCriteria.Text & "#"
strFindString = strFindString & Val(txtCriteria.Text)
End If
' call the appropriate Find method, depending upon which
' button the user clicked ...
Select Case Index
Case 0: mobjEmpRst.FindFirst strFindString
Case 1: mobjEmpRst.FindPrevious strFindString
Case 2: mobjEmpRst.FindNext strFindString
Case 3: mobjEmpRst.FindLast strFindString
End Select
' deal with the match results ...
If mobjEmpRst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "No (other) records matched your search criteria.", _
vbInformation, "Not Found"
mobjEmpRst.Bookmark = mvntBookMark
' the found record is now the current record ...
End If
End Sub
'* *
'* (Non-Event) Procedures & Functions *
'* *
Private Sub LoadDeptCombo()
Dim objTempRst As Recordset
Set objTempRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset("DeptMast", dbOpenTable)
With objTempRst
Do Until .EOF
cboDept.AddItem !DeptName & " (" & !DeptNbr & ")"
cboDept.ItemData(cboDept.NewIndex) = !DeptNbr
End With
Set objTempRst = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub LoadJobCombo()
Dim objTempRst As Recordset
Set objTempRst = gobjEmpDB.OpenRecordset("JobMast", dbOpenTable)
With objTempRst
Do Until .EOF
cboJob.AddItem !JobTitle & " (" & !JobNbr & ")"
cboJob.ItemData(cboJob.NewIndex) = !JobNbr
End With
Set objTempRst = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayEmpRecord()
Dim intX As Integer
With mobjEmpRst
lblEmpNbr = !EmpNbr
txtEmpFirst.Text = !EmpFirst
txtEmpLast.Text = !EmpLast
For intX = 0 To cboDept.ListCount - 1
If !DeptNbr = cboDept.ItemData(intX) Then
cboDept.ListIndex = intX
Exit For
End If
For intX = 0 To cboJob.ListCount - 1
If !JobNbr = cboJob.ItemData(intX) Then
cboJob.ListIndex = intX ' will invoke cboJob_Click event
Exit For
End If
lblHireDate = Format$(!HireDate, "m/d/yyyy")
dtpHireDate.Value = !HireDate
cboHrlyRate.Text = Format$(!HrlyRate, "#0.00")
txtSchedHrs.Text = Format$(!SchedHrs, "#0.00")
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ResetFormControls(pblnEnabledValue As Boolean, lngColor As Long)
Dim intX As Integer
fraEmpInfoInner.Enabled = pblnEnabledValue
txtEmpFirst.BackColor = lngColor
txtEmpLast.BackColor = lngColor
cboDept.BackColor = lngColor
cboJob.BackColor = lngColor
If pblnEnabledValue = True Then
dtpHireDate.Value = CDate(lblHireDate)
lblHireDate = Format$(dtpHireDate.Value, "m/d/yyyy")
End If
dtpHireDate.Visible = pblnEnabledValue
lblHireDate.Visible = Not pblnEnabledValue
cboHrlyRate.BackColor = lngColor
txtSchedHrs.BackColor = lngColor
cmdSave.Enabled = pblnEnabledValue
cmdUndo.Enabled = pblnEnabledValue
cmdCancel.Enabled = pblnEnabledValue
cmdFirst.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
cmdNext.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
cmdPrev.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
cmdLast.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
cmdAdd.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
cmdUpdate.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
cmdDelete.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
cmdExit.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
fraSearchInner.Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
cboField.BackColor = IIf(lngColor = vbWhite, vbButtonFace, vbWhite)
cboRelOp.BackColor = IIf(lngColor = vbWhite, vbButtonFace, vbWhite)
txtCriteria.BackColor = IIf(lngColor = vbWhite, vbButtonFace, vbWhite)
For intX = 0 To 3
cmdFind(intX).Enabled = Not pblnEnabledValue
mblnOKToExit = False
End Sub
Private Sub ClearTheForm()
txtEmpFirst.Text = ""
txtEmpLast.Text = ""
cboDept.ListIndex = 0 'default to first Dept in the list
cboJob.ListIndex = 0 'default to first Job in the list
lblHireDate = Format$(Date, "m/d/yyyy") 'default to today's date
cboHrlyRate.ListIndex = 1 'default to the average rate
txtSchedHrs.Text = "40.00" 'default to 40 hrs per week
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateAllFields()
mblnValidationError = False
'*** First Name
If txtEmpFirst.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "First Name must not be blank", _
vbExclamation, "First Name"
mblnValidationError = True
End If
If intCurrTabIndex = txtEmpLast.TabIndex Or mblnValidationError Then
Exit Sub
End If
'*** Last Name
If txtEmpLast.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Last Name must not be blank", _
vbExclamation, "Last Name"
mblnValidationError = True
End If
If intCurrTabIndex = cboDept.TabIndex Or mblnValidationError Then
Exit Sub
End If
'*** Department
' (no validation logic needed)
If intCurrTabIndex = cboJob.TabIndex Or mblnValidationError Then
Exit Sub
End If
'*** Job
' (no validation logic needed)
If intCurrTabIndex = dtpHireDate.TabIndex Or mblnValidationError Then
Exit Sub
End If
'*** Hire Date
' (no validation logic needed)
If intCurrTabIndex = cboHrlyRate.TabIndex Or mblnValidationError Then
Exit Sub
End If
'*** Hourly Rate
If cboHrlyRate.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Hourly Rate must be entered.", _
vbExclamation, "Hourly Rate"
mblnValidationError = True
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(cboHrlyRate.Text) Then
MsgBox "Hourly Rate must be numeric.", _
vbExclamation, "Hourly Rate"
mblnValidationError = True
ElseIf Val(cboHrlyRate.Text) <= 0 Then
MsgBox "Hourly Rate must be greater than zero.", _
vbExclamation, "Hourly Rate"
mblnValidationError = True
End If
If intCurrTabIndex = txtSchedHrs.TabIndex Or mblnValidationError Then
Exit Sub
End If
'*** Scheduled Hours
If txtSchedHrs.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Hours must be entered.", _
vbExclamation, "Hours"
mblnValidationError = True
ElseIf Val(txtSchedHrs.Text) <= 0 Then
MsgBox "Hours must be greater than zero.", _
vbExclamation, "Hours"
mblnValidationError = True
End If
End Sub
The Report Menu form, named "frmReportMenu", is shown below. This form enables the user print either of the two available reports created for this application with Crystal Reports. This is the exact same form that was used in the Crystal Reports demo presents a couple of articles back. Refer to that article for an explanation of this form and the corresponding code.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
CenterForm Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdOK_Click_Error
Dim strReportName As String
Dim intReportDestination As Integer
If optReport(0).Value = True Then
strReportName = "SALDEPT.RPT"
strReportName = "SALJOB.RPT"
End If
If optDestination(0).Value = True Then
intReportDestination = crptToWindow
intReportDestination = crptToPrinter
End If
With rptAnnSalExp
.ReportFileName = GetAppPath() & strReportName
.DataFiles(0) = GetAppPath() & "EMPLOYEE.MDB"
.Destination = intReportDestination
.Action = 1 ' 1 = "Run the Report"
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The following error has occurred:" & vbNewLine _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, _
vbCritical, _
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Download the project files for this sample application here.