


When working with arrays, it is often necessary to perform a search or "lookup" to determine whether an array contains a value that matches a certain key value. For example, the data from a file or database table will typically contain a "key" field (such as a code), along with corresponding data fields (such as a description). It is often convenient to work with such data by first loading it into a structure array in an initial routine, and then later pulling data from the array given a key value to search on.


Three versions of a sample project to look up a state abbreviation and return the corresponding state name will now be presented. The first version demonstrates how to perform a serial search (also called a linear search) on an array; the second and third demonstrate how to perform a binary search.


These projects will process a sequential file of state abbreviations and corresponding state names called STATES.DAT, with the following contents:










Serial Search Example


The program code and corresponding output is shown below:


VB Code:

Screen-shot of run:

Module Module1


    Private Structure StateRecord

        Dim StateAbbrev As String

        Dim StateName As String

    End Structure


    Private maudtStateRecord() As StateRecord


    Public Sub Main()


        Dim strTestAbbrev As String

        Dim strTestName As String




        Console.Write("Enter a state abbreviation (or just press Enter to quit): ")

        strTestAbbrev = UCase(Console.ReadLine())


        Do Until strTestAbbrev = ""

            strTestName = GetStateName(strTestAbbrev)


            If strTestName = "" Then

                Console.WriteLine("No state name found for '" & strTestAbbrev & "'.")


                Console.WriteLine("'" & strTestAbbrev & "' is the abbreviation for '" _

                                 & strTestName & "'.")

            End If


            Console.Write("Enter a state abbreviation (or just press Enter to quit): ")

            strTestAbbrev = UCase(Console.ReadLine())



    End Sub



    Private Sub LoadStateData()


        Dim intStateFileNbr As Integer

        Dim intStateUB As Integer


        intStateFileNbr = FreeFile()

        intStateUB = -1


        FileOpen(intStateFileNbr, _

                 My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\STATES.DAT", _



        Do Until EOF(intStateFileNbr)

            intStateUB += 1

            ReDim Preserve maudtStateRecord(intStateUB)

            With maudtStateRecord(intStateUB)

                Input(intStateFileNbr, .StateAbbrev)

                Input(intStateFileNbr, .StateName)

            End With





    End Sub


    Private Function GetStateName(ByRef pstrTestAbbrev As String) As String


        Dim intX As Integer


        For intX = 0 To UBound(maudtStateRecord)

            If pstrTestAbbrev = maudtStateRecord(intX).StateAbbrev Then

                Return maudtStateRecord(intX).StateName

            End If



        ' if we get here, the state was not found ...

        Return ""


    End Function


End Module


The technique used here is called a serial search, because the StateAbbrev elements of the maudtStateRecord structure array are compared one by one to the state abbreviation being looked for (pstrTestAbbrev) until either a match is found or all elements of the array are examined without finding a match. If a match on the state abbreviation is found, the corresponding state name is returned.


Download the VB project code for the example above here.



Binary Search Examples


The serial search is fine for small or unsorted arrays, but for larger arrays, serial searching is inefficient. If an array is sorted (and that is important – in the case of the state data file we are working with, the records are sorted by state abbreviation, which is desirable), the very efficient technique of binary searching can be used. In a binary search, the element at the middle of the array is checked first. If a match is found, the search ends. Otherwise, the program determines whether the array argument needed is in the upper half of the array or the lower half. The half of the array containing the array argument is again halved and the search continues as before. The term "binary" here refers to this process of dividing by two.


The basic algorithm for a binary search is shown (in pseudocode) below:


Set MIN_INDEX = LBound(Array)

Set MAX_INDEX = UBound(Array)





        Set MAX_INDEX = MIDDLE_INDEX – 1


        Set MIN_INDEX = MIDDLE_INDEX + 1


        ' Item has been found at MIDDLE_INDEX of array

        Exit Do

    End If



Binary Search Example 1


In the next programming example, the state lookup process has been modified to implement the binary search:


VB Code:

Screen-shot of run:

Module Module1


    Private Structure StateRecord

        Dim StateAbbrev As String

        Dim StateName As String

    End Structure


    Private maudtStateRecord() As StateRecord


    Public Sub Main()


        Dim strTestAbbrev As String

        Dim strTestName As String




        Console.Write("Enter a state abbreviation (or just press Enter to quit): ")

        strTestAbbrev = UCase(Console.ReadLine())


        Do Until strTestAbbrev = ""

            strTestName = GetStateName(strTestAbbrev)


            If strTestName = "" Then

                Console.WriteLine("No state name found for '" & strTestAbbrev & "'.")


                Console.WriteLine("'" & strTestAbbrev & "' is the abbreviation for '" _

                                 & strTestName & "'.")

            End If


            Console.Write("Enter a state abbreviation (or just press Enter to quit): ")

            strTestAbbrev = UCase(Console.ReadLine())



    End Sub



    Private Sub LoadStateData()


        Dim intStateFileNbr As Integer

        Dim intStateUB As Integer


        intStateFileNbr = FreeFile()

        intStateUB = -1


        FileOpen(intStateFileNbr, _

                 My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\STATES.DAT", _



        Do Until EOF(intStateFileNbr)

            intStateUB += 1

            ReDim Preserve maudtStateRecord(intStateUB)

            With maudtStateRecord(intStateUB)

                Input(intStateFileNbr, .StateAbbrev)

                Input(intStateFileNbr, .StateName)

            End With





    End Sub


    Private Function GetStateName(ByVal pstrTestAbbrev As String) As String


        Dim intMinIndex As Integer

        Dim intMaxIndex As Integer

        Dim intMidIndex As Integer


        intMinIndex = 0

        intMaxIndex = UBound(maudtStateRecord)


        Do While intMinIndex <= intMaxIndex

            intMidIndex = Int((intMinIndex + intMaxIndex) / 2)

            If pstrTestAbbrev < maudtStateRecord(intMidIndex).StateAbbrev Then

                intMaxIndex = intMidIndex - 1

            ElseIf pstrTestAbbrev > maudtStateRecord(intMidIndex).StateAbbrev Then

                intMinIndex = intMidIndex + 1


                ' we have a match

                Return maudtStateRecord(intMidIndex).StateName

            End If



        ' if we get here, the state was not found ...

        Return ""


    End Function


End Module


Download the VB project code for the example above here.


Binary Search Example 2


VB.Net introduced a number of methods that operate on arrays, one being BinarySearch, which implements the algorithm discussed above. The BinarySearch method operates on a one-dimensional array. The general syntax is:


Position = Array.BinarySearch(Array, ValueToFind)


where Array is the one-dimensional array to search, ValueToFind is the value that you are looking for, and Position is the index in the array where the item was found. If the item is not found, the value of Position will be a negative number.


Say we had an array of names as follows (note that the names are sorted):

Dim astrNames() As String = {"Archie", "Betty", "Charlie", "David", "Esther", "Frank", "George", "Heather", "Imogene", "Jack"}

Assuming you had a variable called intPosX defined As Integer, the following statements would produce the following results:

      intPosX = Array.BinarySearch(astrNames, "Heather")    ' intPosX would be 7

      intPosX = Array.BinarySearch(astrNames, "Archie")     ' intPosX would be 0

      intPosX = Array.BinarySearch(astrNames, "Betty")      ' intPosX would be 1

      intPosX = Array.BinarySearch(astrNames, "Archie")     ' intPosX would be a negative number, indicating the name was not found


To use the BinarySearch method in our state name lookup example, we would need to modify the way we are storing the state abbreviations and their corresponding state names – because the BinarySearch method operates on a one-dimensional array, not a structure. A way to do it would be to store the data into two separate arrays: one for the state abbreviations, the other for the state names. The BinarySearch would operate on the state abbreviation array, and the resulting index for the found abbreviation would also be the index for the corresponding state name in the state name array. The example below demonstrates this:


VB Code:

Screen-shot of run:

Module Module1


    Private mastrStateAbbrev() As String

    Private mastrStateName() As String


    Public Sub Main()


        Dim strTestAbbrev As String

        Dim strTestName As String




        Console.Write("Enter a state abbreviation (or just press Enter to quit): ")

        strTestAbbrev = UCase(Console.ReadLine())


        Do Until strTestAbbrev = ""

            strTestName = GetStateName(strTestAbbrev)


            If strTestName = "" Then

                Console.WriteLine("No state name found for '" & strTestAbbrev & "'.")


                Console.WriteLine("'" & strTestAbbrev & "' is the abbreviation for '" _

                                 & strTestName & "'.")

            End If


            Console.Write("Enter a state abbreviation (or just press Enter to quit): ")

            strTestAbbrev = UCase(Console.ReadLine())



    End Sub



    Private Sub LoadStateData()


        Dim intStateFileNbr As Integer

        Dim intStateUB As Integer


        intStateFileNbr = FreeFile()

        intStateUB = -1


        FileOpen(intStateFileNbr, _

                 My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\STATES.DAT", _



        Do Until EOF(intStateFileNbr)

            intStateUB += 1

            ReDim Preserve mastrStateAbbrev(intStateUB)

            ReDim Preserve mastrStateName(intStateUB)

            Input(intStateFileNbr, mastrStateAbbrev(intStateUB))

            Input(intStateFileNbr, mastrStateName(intStateUB))





    End Sub


    Private Function GetStateName(ByVal pstrTestAbbrev As String) As String


        Dim intPosition As Integer


        intPosition = Array.BinarySearch(mastrStateAbbrev, pstrTestAbbrev)


        If intPosition < 0 Then

            Return ""


            Return mastrStateName(intPosition)

        End If


    End Function


End Module


Download the VB project code for the example above here.