VB 2010 Tutorial Download Package
More Information and Screen Shots
The main download file for the VB 2010 Tutorial Download Package is VB2010_LOCAL_SITE.zip. Once you have downloaded and unzipped this file, you will have a folder called VB2010_LOCAL_SITE sitting on your computer. |
Upon opening the folder, you will see the items as shown in the screen shot on the right. The local web page that you can use to navigate through the material is called VB2010_Local_Library.htm, shown circled here. |
Upon opening VB2010_Local_Library.htm, you will see the web page shown here, labeled "Visual Basic 2010 Tutorials Local Library". The content should look familiar - it is a local version of the VB 2010 Tutorial page found on thevbprogrammer.com.
Here, I've opened the page for Checkboxes. But note what happens (in the next screen shot), when I click on the "Download the VB project code for the example above here" link. |
Clicking on the "download" link has caused the local folder for the checkbox project to open. From there, you can open the solution file and off you go. |
The links for the "extras" are slightly different in that they actually say "Open the project folder here". |
The other download file for the VB 2010 Tutorial Download Package is VB2010_ALL_PROJECTS.zip. Once you have downloaded and unzipped this file, you will have a folder called VB2010_ALL_PROJECTS sitting on your computer. |
This is provided for those that prefer "just the code", or if for whatever reason you want to bypass the web pages and navigate to the desired project yourself. Opening this folder reveals the folders for all of the available projects (there are over 150 of them). |