The VB Programmer, LLC
Bruce Gordon, President
Phone: 856.906.0650
Fax: 856.210.1555
Email: Send us an email
Located in Cherry Hill, NJ
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Cap-Tran |
The concept of Cap-Tran was developed by Detroit-area insurance veteran Gary Marcus. Mr. Marcus, known as "The Wizard of Wealth Transfer" by many of his peers, used Cap-Tran as a sales vehicle to show prospects how they could leave greater wealth to their heirs by transferring certain types of existing assets (CDs, annuities, and IRAs) to a life insurance policy. Gary developed six distinct wealth transfer plans and used Excel to run the numbers as well as to present proposed plans to his clientele.
In 2007, Gary contacted The VB Programmer to develop an application that would bundle the Cap-Tran wealth transfer plans into an easy-to-use package that could be sold to life insurance agents nationwide as a tool that could dramatically increase their commissions. We were proud to partner with Gary on this project and to have the opportunity to execute his vision. We developed the application, as well as the website to sell the application - complete with step-by-step screen shots, downloadable PDF case scenarios, and training videos. Cap-Tran was sold as a product of Gary's company, Inovari, LLC, from August 2007 through November 2008.
In December 2008, the Cap-Tran application was purchased by Imeriti, Inc. In 2009, The VB Programmer, LLC was retained by Imeriti to perform ongoing updates to the Cap-Tran application for Imeriti; in 2013, The VB Programmer, LLC, was hired by Imeriti to convert Cap-Tran to a web-based application.
Life insurance agents and others interested in Cap-Tran should contact Imeriti, Inc. directly. Their contact information is:
Imeriti, Inc.
337 S Cedros Ave, Suite G
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Phone: 800.921.3100
Email: info@imeriti.com
Web: www.imeriti.com
The original Cap-Tran website (www.cap-tran.com) remained online until April 30, 2009. With the permission of Imeriti, Inc., we now host the cap-tran.com pages here at The VB Programmer site. We believe that Cap-Tran is a strong addition to our portfolio, and we encourage those who may be considering using us to check out the former site using the link below:
Click here to visit the former Cap-Tran website.