The VB Programmer, LLC
Bruce Gordon, President
Phone: 856.906.0650
Fax: 856.210.1555
Email: Send us an email
Located in Cherry Hill, NJ
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Projects |
Several of our Windows / Desktop / Client/Server projects and Websites / Web-Based projects are listed below. |
Windows / Desktop / Client/Server Projects |
 | Cap-Tran ("Capital Transfer") Insurance Application |
| Developed Cap-Tran, a commercial estate planning application for life insurance agents, to show prospects how they can leave greater wealth to their heirs by transferring certain types of existing assets to a life insurance policy. Also developed the sales website for this application, which included step-by-step screen shots, downloadable PDF case scenarios, and training videos. For more information, as well as a link to the Cap-Tran site, check out our Cap-Tran page.
 | Membership Database Application |
| Development of a membership database application for a spiritual organization. The application tracks member payments for dues, programs, and events; generates form letters for past due notices, end-of-year summaries; provides the capability for users to create custom form letters; and generates reports.
Screen shots of this application (PDF format) can be viewed here.
 | Business Creditor Database Application |
| Development of a pair of applications, one for the end user, the other for the administrators (the client). The end user application enables a business owner to search for companies that offer business credit based on multiple criteria; the administrator application enables the client to maintain the database from which the end user can search.
Screen shots of this application (PDF format) can be viewed here.
 | Surgery Scheduler |
| Development of a VB application to perform scheduling of surgeries for multiple doctors for a hand surgery and rehabilitation practice. The application interfaces with and is called from an existing MS-Access application. The application enables the user to view and maintain the scheduling data by month, week, or day by doctor or operatory location.
A write-up containing several screen shots of this application (PDF format) can be viewed here.
 | Proposal Management System |
| Development of a proposal management system for a local construction company. The system enables the company to track and maintain job proposals sent to customers and contractors. Data entered for a proposal is merged with a proposal template producing the output document that can be printed or automatically e-mailed. The system also produces a number of reports.
Screen shots of this application (PDF format) can be viewed here.
 | Estate Planning Application |
| Development of a multi-function application for an estate planning company using Visual Basic and Access, with heavy automation of Word and Excel. This application automates the generation of a set of estate planning documents (revocable living trust, last will and testament, powers of attorney, etc.) for the company's clients. The application also provides appointment scheduling, contact management, asset management, and reporting functionality.
Excerpts from the user manual containing several screen shots of this application (PDF format) can be viewed here.
 | Marketing Analysis Application Update |
| Conversion and update of a large MS-Access 97 marketing analysis database application to Access 200X format. Integrated several linked databases from disparate locations into one central database. Updated user interface to give application a modern and consistent look and feel. Coded additional modules, queries, and reports to implement requested additional functionality.
 | Order Entry System |
| Redesign and development of an order entry system for a sporting goods retailer. Based on an aging stand-alone MS-Access application, a completely new front-end was developed in Visual Basic, and the business logic was updated to reflect current practices. The system tracks orders, quotes, payments, and shipments, produces numerous reports, and exports order data to Peachtree Accounting.
 | Time and Temperature Tracking Application |
| Development of a graphing application to plot time and temperature data for a UK-based HVAC control manufacturing company. One program would run in batch mode overnight to update the Access database with data from CSV files generated by an external process. The main application would then be used to graph the data and produce reports.
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Websites / Web-Based Projects |
 | The VB Programmer |
| This site. This is essentially a "brochure-style" site designed to establish a web presence and to inform visitors about the services we provide. An additional component of this site is the Visual Basic tutorials section, which is more of a "programmer-to-programmer" feature. Although our focus has since shifted, the original purpose of the site was to provide reference and instruction to those who wished to learn or expand their knowledge of the Visual Basic programming language.
 | Cap-Tran |
| Sales website for the Cap-Tran software application described above. This site included step-by-step screen shots, downloadable PDF case scenarios, and training videos. For more information, as well as a link to the Cap-Tran site, check out our Cap-Tran page.
 | Dynamic Content for Outdoor Market Management Firm |
| Beginning with an existing static HTML website, we were tasked with adding a great deal of dynamic functionality to existing static HTML site for a Washington, DC based firm specializing in the development and management of outdoor public exhibitor markets. This was accomplished using ASP and SQL Server. A membership process was created to allow exhibitors to create their business profiles as well as to register for particular market events. Several back-end administrator functions were created to allow the firm's principals to set up events, manage exhibitor profiles, and manage event registration. Setting up an event includes specifying the date range for the event and specifying the content that will appear on various pages throughout the website related to that event. The event-related content automatically appears on the appropriate pages of the site once the administrator specifies that the event content should be shown,
up until the last day specified for that event. Functionality was also added to allow the administrator to set up post-event surveys for both exhibitors and patrons.
Detailed screen shots of this site (PDF format) can be viewed here.
 | Dynamic Content for Executive Recruitment Firm |
| Added dynamic functionality to existing static HTML site for a Philadelphia-area firm specializing in executive recruitment for the healthcare industry. This was accomplished using ASP and SQL Server. Processes were created to allow administrators to set up available job opportunities for presentation on the site and to allow job-seekers to register and apply for available positions. Also, functionality was created to allow the administrators to set up a set of pages that are accessible to guests that register with the site (this allows the registered guest access to white papers, industry links, "hot candidate" listings, etc.). Screen shots of this site (PDF format) can be viewed here.
 | Fletcher Restorations and Improvements, Inc. |
| Website for Philadelphia-based construction company. Click here to visit the site.
 | KMR Enterprises |
| Website for Ocean City, NJ construction company. Click here to visit the site.
 | Mr. Mozart |
| Portfolio/gallery style website for a former dentist and naval officer now pursuing his passion for the arts. On the site, his paintings, graphic calendars, and books are organized and displayed in categorized galleries. Click here to visit the site.
 | Seven Dragons Acupuncture |
| Website for Philadelphia-based practitioner. Click here to visit the site.
 | GAP Management |
| Website for Camden, NJ management consulting firm. Click here to visit the site.
 | SIOK Online |
| Website for Chicago-based computer repair business. Screen-shots of the site can be viewed by clicking here.
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