The VB Programmer, LLC
Bruce Gordon, President
Phone: 856.906.0650
Fax: 856.210.1555
Email: Send us an email
Located in Cherry Hill, NJ
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Data Management for Businesses |
Does your business have a need to manage data more effectively? Whether your need is scheduling, order entry, contact management, or inventory, just to name a few, The VB Programmer, LLC can create a database application for you. We can create user-friendly database applications customized to your needs. There's no reason to use a cookie-cutter, over-the-counter, software program and pull your hair out trying to make it fit your business. The VB Programmer, LLC has the expertise, knowledge and experience in computer programming, data collection and data management to put together or improve upon a database for your business. Our comfort zone includes application development using many popular database back-ends, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MS-Access.
Database applications can be desktop-based or web-based. For web-based applications, The VB Programmer, LLC can update your existing website to include database functionality (or improve upon existing functionality), or build you a data-driven web application from scratch.
Recent database management projects include:
- A web-based Employee Portal system for a Philadelphia-area energy company. At its core, it is a workflow system that allows users to process a number of web-based business forms from initiation to various levels of approval. The business processes handled include purchase orders, travel requests, occupational incident reports, and disciplinary reports. In addition to these management processes, the system provides a number of front-end features accessible to all employees, such as news, suggestion box, and the ability to download various technical and human-resources oriented documents.
- A Windows-based application for a Pittsburgh-area landscaping company. This system allows the company to manage their entire business process, from customer management, detailed time and materials job estimating, work order and timesheet generation, employee timekeeping, and management reports.
- Conversion of a surgery scheduling application for a medical practice, previously developed as a module to integrate with a stand-alone MS-Access application, to integrate with a newly-acquired third-party high-end medical practice management system that uses Oracle as the backend database.
MS-Access Database Development
Since the early 1990s, MS-Access has been a powerful, practical yet inexpensive tool for individuals, small businesses, and corporate departments to manage their data. While creating an initial database application with MS-Access can be easy, things can get pretty complicated pretty quickly. The VB Programmer, LLC can assist you with your MS-Access database application in several ways, including developing a complete application from scratch, modifying existing code and UI elements, adding new forms, queries, reports, or modules, converting a legacy application to MS-Access, upsizing an MS-Access database to SQL Server or Oracle, or developing a new front-end.
Data Conversion
Converting data from one format to another is a common business need. The VB Programmer, LLC can assist you with any number of data conversion scenarios, including gathering data from disparate sources to form a new database structure, converting a leagacy database or file system to a more current format, building an export/import to get data from one system to another, "cleaning up" and/or parsing data that may reside in an Excel spreadsheet or text file to prepare it for importing into a formal database structure, and creating data transmissions in various formats (custom, EDI, XML, etc.).
Just give us a call to discuss your needs so we can customize a program for you.